Doula, Biodecoding & Family Constellations


Biodecoding Therapy
Online Session
Is a process through which you can find in 5 or 6 sessions the emotional origin of any symptom you may have, physical or psychological.
Clarisa accompanies you to disarm those symptoms combining several tools, from meditations, family constellations, symbolic rituals and more.
Clarisa can also support your journey of personal development in a unique way, combining several therapies and methods such as counseling, astrology, herbal medicine, maternity support through her vast experience as a Doula.

Family Constellations
Individual online session
A therapeutic intervention that we use in order to gain insight and information from your family history, dynamics, and possible dysfunctional patterns.
Clarisa works with your family tree in order to find patterns, family mandates, that you have integrated in your life, as good or bad behavior, that might be entering into conflict with your current inner self and daily life experience.
Let’s Work Together
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