About Me
My name is Evelyn Aispurua and my spiritual name is Violeta. I have always wanted to see spirits like my grandmother and was fascinated by the premonition stories of my aunty. I have been in search of truth and understanding of the spiritual realm since very young.
Difficult experiences and struggles have been part of my life since little. When I turned 29 my life began to spin. What used to be the way and lifestyle I wanted it started to feel unfulfilling, and the illusion crumbled into pieces. Matching purses and shoes, expensive brands, "high achieving jobs" and long party nights were futile. Yet I wanted to belong, needed to be seen and if possible be accepted by others...
Yet in between the chaos, miracles have always been part of my life too. As I share in this article, Integrating sunlight and shade
For the past few years I had endured Myeloid Acute Leukemia twice (blood cancer), a stem cell transplant, rejection to transplant, suppressed immune system, almost liver failure and separation.
My Soul has pushed me to embody who I AM.
Community for me is where we all bring together what we can offer, without pressure or conditions. Where we share what we LOVE doing.
Therefore I created...​
Choose Aroha Wellness Eve where I share with you every profesional and holistic tools that accompany me through my life, professionals in which I fully trust, as well as my own Method Sacred Senses to connect with the deeper
sense of you.​
I want to THANK God Divine Light Source, my mother Graciela Videla, my family and friends, my little bliss baby girl for giving me the strength to keep going, Auckland Hospital Haematology unit, Day stay unit, Wellington Hospital Blood cancer unit and Day stay unit, for saving me and giving me another chance to live.
I will be forever thankful to all the amazing Doctors and Nurses that give their love to strangers like me every day and every night.
Honouring you and all Around us
Sacred Senses Method